Master of Eastern Practices

I'm Poorna Yoga Teacher. Poorna from Sanskrit mean "complete". Which means apart from Asana I'm teaching various types of breathing techniques, concentration techniques and meditation.

Many Yoga Teachers are not putting much attention on traditional practices of Meditation and Yoga Philosophy, but without these constituents we can't call it Yoga practice. My aim is to give complete knowledge about Yogic lifestyle, provide comprehensive practice and improvement for body and mind.
Yoga Asana
My view on Asana comes from traditional Hatha yoga and a later version of Asana sequencing such as Vinyasa Krama and Sukshma Vyayama. First was taght by Sri Tirumalay Krishnamacharya, another by Sri Dherendra Bahmacharya. Combining Asana practice with Bandhas, Mudras and Kumbhakas I see the only way to practice Yoga in a traditional way.
Meditation is one of the most difficult techniques in Yoga Darshan. There are many way to master it. Before I guide my students towards Tantric meditations, Meditation practices from Bihar Yoga schools and many other traditional types of meditation, I teach you proportional techniques, which will help you to overcome destruction, master your thoughts and achieve tranquillity and peace.
Universal Healing
Reiki is a type of energy healing, which became very popular in last 5 years. For me the most important thing was to find a right Guru to learn this practice. I share this practice in personal or distance sessions and during my courses, where everyone can learn how to heal him/herself or give treatment to other people.
Sound healing
Sound healing is a type of natural treatment, most common health issues and energy disturbances can be treated with sound therapy. My specialisation is sound and vibrational massage. It works effective for muscle and joint pain, nerve issues, such as sciatica inflammation. Such session can reduce any kind of pain and promote better sleep.
Crystal healing
Crystals are the main source of transmission of energy. Crystals have an ability to adjust our energy field and heal chronic diseases. My approach in Crystal healing lies in combining 2 main types of quartz crystals, this
I did my Diploma in Kaivalyadhama Institute, one of the oldest Yoga Institutes in India. It was a deep study of Yoga Philosophy and traditional Practices of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation.
February - December 2021
Post Graduation Diploma in Yoga Education
This course gave me tool of alternative healing method such as Singing bowls. I have learned Chakra and Aura Therapy, meditation practice with Singing Bowls, sound and vibrational massage.
December 2020
Singing bowls Therapy course
I have done my first course in Yoga in Moscow State University. It was related to the roots of Yoga, which are coming from Vedas and their later parts - Upanishads.
June 2018
Course on Yoga Philosophy
Association for Yoga and Meditation was my first education about Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, it also gave me deeper knowledge about Yoga lifestyle, Yoga Philosophy and first knowledge about Yoga Therapy.
August - October 2019
500 hours Teachers Training course
Apart from traditional Yoga education I did 50 hours Internship in Yoga Therapy in the Health center which is working under the guidance of Kaivalyadhama Institute.
November 2021
Yoga Therapy
I did my graduation in the field of Pedagogical science and Teaching methodology, which makes me eligible to create educational programs, courses and researches in this field.
2005 - 2010
Other Education
The best way to learn Reiki is to find a teacher who is a part of any lineage. Then you can be sure you will get proper guidance and support throughout the life, I was happy to find one and now can continue this lineage.
MAY 2021
Reiki Master course
Same as with Reiki I learned Crystals healing from my Guru, who is carrying knowledge from her Guru. Crystal Healing was a complete new practice for which benefits I have discovered just recently,
June 2021
Crystal Healing Master Course
Contact me!
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