yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver

Role of yoga to enhance endocrine system

The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs that uses hormones to control and coordinate your body's metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, response to injury and stress.

Yoga is a way of living to achieve complete physical and mental health. It is an ancient Indian system that is represented by numerous practices for body and mind. Glands can be of two types. Exocrine gland secret their the product in the ducts through which these are carried towards a specific organ or region.

The endocrine secretes the products in the blood through which these are passed all other the body. Hormones have a great influence on all systems, the proper amount of hormones in the blood is a sign of health.


Pituitary gland
Between the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are located at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland controls the activity of other hormone glands.
The pituitary gland can be divided into the posterior and anterior lobes.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver
Anterior lobe produces:

· Human growth hormone - responsible for the formation of cells repairs injured cells.
· Thyroid stimulation hormone - stimulates the secretion of other hormones of thyroid gland.
· Follicle-stimulating and luteinising hormone - estrogen and progesterone secretion, ovulation, sperm production.
· Prolactine – lactation, milk secretion.
· Adrenocorticotropic hormone - stimulates adrenal gland.
· Melanocyte stimulating hormone - increases melanin which affects skin pigmentation.
Posterior lobe:

· Stores hormones but don't produce them.
· Oxytocin – uterine contraction, milk ejection.
· Antidiuretic hormone - water volume or the body.
Pineal gland
The pineal gland - the main function of is still unclear for humanity.
It secretes melatonin, helps to regulate the biological clock.
Thyroid gland
The thyroid gland:

· located in the neck has two lobes right in left, surrounded by a fibrous capsule responsible for your entrapping hormones: T3 – triiodothyronine and t4-thyroxine, it helps in the synthesis of proteins, increases metabolic rate, increases fat metabolism.
· Calcitonin - lowers raised up blood calcium level, releases calcitonin to increase calcium level.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
· On the backside of each lobe of the thyroid gland.
· Hormone - parathyroid.
· Calcium regulation, magnesium and phosphate regulation.
Thymus gland
·      Located in the chest cavity, behind the sternum.
·      Thymic hormones help to retard the ageing process.
·      Thymosin - proliferation, maturation of T cells (which destroy microbes)
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Adrenal glands
·      2 pyramid-shaped glands on each kidney.
·      Produce glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and sex hormones.
·      Glucocorticoid controls the immune system, increase protein breakdown, stimulate gluconeogenesis and lipolysis.
·      Mineralocorticoid restores blood pressure in hypertension, increases the blood level of sodium and water.
·      Androgen - development of secondary sex organs.
·      Adrenalin/noradrenalin - increases activity of the sympathetic nervous system.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Pancreas (endocrine and exocrine)
·      Secretes digestive juice called pancreatic juice.
·      Secretes hormones, such as glucagon - increases blood glucose level, converts other nutrients in glucose
·      Insulin - activates the transport of glucose, helps to convert glucose into glycogen.
·      Somatostatin - controls the secretion of insulin and glucagon.
·      Pancreatic polypeptide - controls the secretion of somatostatin.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Ovaries and Testes
·      Ovaries are female gonads located in the pelvic cavity, secrete estrogen and progesterone, regulate the female reproductive system, also produce relaxin which softens connective tissues and preparation for childbirth.
·      Testes are male gonads, secrete testosterone, responsible for male sexual characteristics and inhibin which controls sperm production.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
·      Renin - causes vasoconstriction and increases blood pressure.
·      Erythropoietin - stimulates bone marrow for the formation of RBC.
·      Calcitriol - absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Gastrointestinal duct
·      Gastrin -  secretion of gastric juice.
·      Secretin - simulates pancreas and liver.
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HPA axis or hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal axis
·      Controls reactions to stress and regulates various bodily processes such as digestion, immune system, mood, sexuality, energy usage, and maintains homeostasis.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland

Yoga practices to enhance the endocrine system.


Asanas can balance hormonal secretions from various glands. Holding particular asana you can create a pressure on a glands and stimulate them.
Bhujangasana, Sablabhasana, Dhanurasana
· Releases stress through invigorating adrenal glands and kidneys.
· For females - relieves menstrual problems by stretching uterus and ovaries.
· If the practitioner looks up giving curve for the cervical region, these postures can stimulate thyroid and parathyroid glands.
· Stimulates thymus.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
·    Stimulates thyroid and parathyroid.
·    Leads to well function of adrenal glands.
·    Enhances work of testes or ovaries
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Janusirsasana and Paschimottanasana
·    Balances blood sugar, stimulates pancreas, also thymus, thyroid and kidneys.
·    Improves digestion, stimulating kidneys and liver.
·    Stimulates ovaries, relieves the symptoms of menopause, menstrual pain.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Vakrasana, Matsyendrasana
·    Against enlarged and congested liver and spleen, inactive kidneys.
·    Very effective for people with diabetes.
·    Releases insulin and glycogen, regulates sugar level (giving pressure on pancreas).
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Sarvangasana, Sirsasana (or other inverted asanas)
·    Increase blood flow to the brain, have a positive effect on hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands (concentration, memory, reduces depression)
·    Lowers chances of kidney disease.
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Sarvangasana, Halasana
·    Very effective for thyroid, parathyroid and thymus
·    Stimulates function of these glands
·    Improves metabolism
·    Regulates calcium in blood.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
It is proven in various studies that yoga practices help to balance endocrine systems of the body. Choosing asana to affect specific gland disease like hypertension, diabetes, stress and depression, autoimmune disorders can be cured.
Practice of advised asanas should be done every day for minimum 3 months.


Pranayama promotes better absorption of oxygen in each cell of the body, blood supply to the brain and hypothalamus thereby improving their functioning capacity.

Pranayama improves the relationship between hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal gland (HPA axis)

Hypothalamus is a seat of emotions and stress, better control over emotions, provides better function of hypothalamus.
Together with pituitary gland, they regulate work of other glands and aspects of growth, development, metabolism and homeostasis. Better function of this glands promotes improvement in whole body.

Latest researchers on pranayama has also shown reduce of stress and regular practice results in reversal of chronic psychosomatic disorders.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland


Meditation shows similar results as Pranayama. It improves hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal gland axis, and hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid axis. This gives improvement for homeostasis and function of other glands.

Continuous practice of meditation reduces level of stress hormone – cortisol. Meditation is a tool to reverse psychosomatic disorders, stress level from daily activities, remove fatigue and restore health.

Mudras and Bandhas.

Mudras and Bandhas are higher practices to progress on spiritual path.

Bandhas or locks can increase endocrine secretions in the body or balance it.

Moola Bandha stimulates sensory motor and autonomic nervous systems in the pelvic region. When Moola Bandha is performed pelvic stimulation activates parasympathetic fibres emerging from the pelvic spinal cord. This way it affects hypothalamus, which is responsible for the complete endocrine system.
yoga for endocrine system, yoga for diabetes, yoga for hormones, yoga to stimulate hormones, yoga to heal endocrine system, yoga for pancreas, asanas for pancreas, asanas for diabetes, yoga practice for diabetes, asana for liver, yoga for thyroid gland
Also, Moola Bandha affects gonads and improves function of ovaries and testes.

Uddiyana Bandha compresses digestive organs and adrenal gland, kidneys and pancreas. This practice will improve immune system, protein breakdown, lipolysis, restore blood pressure, increase glucose in blood, balance secretion of insulin.

Jalandhara Bandha has effect on thyroid, parathyroid and thymus glands. It will give effect for metabolism, calcium level and give anti-aging effect.
Mudras are gestures of hands and body. Brahma Mudra will give effect on thyroid and parathyroid.

Viparit Karani Mudra - regulation of female reproductive system and also thyroid and parathyroid.

Yog Mudra – pancreas, adrenal glands and kidneys.

Ketchary Mudra can stimulate function of pituitary gland any hypothalamus.


Yoga regulates various hormones, responsible for the normal body’s functioning, including
-      growth and development
-      metabolism
-      electrolyte balance
-      reproduction
-      lowering of cortisol, reduces stress
-      removes or reverses parasympathetic diseases, like diabetes, hypertension, indigestion, constipation, menstruation disturbance, eczema, psoriasis, insomnia, chronic fatigue
-      physical activity, promotes release of endorphin and gives feeling of happiness.
-      restores health
-      prevents early degenerationю
Regular practice of Asana, Meditation, Pranayama, Mudras and Bandhas helps to maintain optimum functioning capacity endocrine glands.
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