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Tantra and Yoga

Tantra and Yoga are essentially contrary entities. While Tantra believes in non-dualism, Yoga propounds a dualistic philosophy of renunciation. However, these two systems do have some things in common.

The ancient Rishis or sages had broadly categorized wisdom into three streams of knowledge, namely, Ayurveda (involved with the gross physical body), Yoga (exercises for the subtle body or spirit), and Tantra (involved with mental and metaphysical abilities). While the other two streams help harness the power of the mind by way of healing the spirit, Tantra uses the power of the mind to balance the body and the spirit.

Yoga and tantra are the two ways of self-realization. The practitioners can choose which path they want to choose. Self-realization will come to those only who are looking for it. This viewpoint is agreed by both yoga and tantra. it is simply to be put into practice to have realizations. One has to apply yogic or tantric principles into their life to understand their functions and to reveal the knowledge .one has to travel on the map what they design with the help of yoga
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Yoga philosophy is based on Samkhya metaphysics that defines the language of yoga. Which is totally dualistic philosophy, accepting both consciousness and matter is real. Samkhya is one of the six major philosophies of India. Samkhya describes the full spectrum of human existence by revealing the basic elements that make up the macrocosm and the microcosm. Samkhya teaches us about the components of the body, mind, and spirit, from the gross elements that make up the physical body to the more subtle elements of the mind and consciousness. Samkhya names each element teaches us its function and shows us the relationship each element has to all others. It is effectively a map of the human being. And yoga is your vehicle that will take you to different locations in your map of body, mind, spirit. Which has a completely practical approach to have self-realization.

Patanjali later concluded in his work that there Is only one reality, that supreme is Ishvara, that Ishvara is Pranava (sound of om). Even though Patanjali accepts the whole metaphysics of Samkhya philosophy but later says that there is supreme consciousness. There Is only one reality, one truth from where every other thing emerges from. where it concludes that Patanjali system of yoga had a non-dualistic approach.

In tantra, there are three lineages 
  • Shaktism 
  • Shaivism 
  • Vaishnavism
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, karma yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, what is tantra yoga
Yoga was scattered throughout in tantric lineages and traditions. Various schools were using techniques related to yoga to incorporate in their practices. As yoga was also scattered in Vedas and Upanishads.

Upanishads give us the clear ideas and concepts projected in Vedas. based on these concepts in Upanishads several lineages emerged out who believed in particular philosophies related to Saktism, Shaivism, and Vaishnavism. All these 108 Upanishads talk about the nature of the cosmos and gives explanations in various different ways to achieve state yoga. 

In Saktism yoga was achieved through the act of devotional service, chanting mantras, doing rituals for Devi, keeping fast for shakti, visiting sacred places or temples to offer prayers to Devi.

Here yoga was more in the form of karma yoga.
In Shaivism, yoga practices were also deeply inherited in their roots too, in Shaivism also there were schools having dualist approach and non-dualist approach. based on the school tradition various practices were used from yoga what we currently know.

Traditions like hatha yoga, siddhi yoga, nada yoga, laya yoga and the use of mantra sadhana, walking on pilgrimage, service in the shiva temple, worshipping shiva linga. all there was the part of Shaivism tantra yoga.

Here yoga was more of jnana yoga. A lot of scientific understandings of tantric concepts were seen of astrology, yantra, mantras, kundalini.  
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In Vaishnavism also yoga was deeply rooted in the form of chanting, singing, devotional service to Vishnu, completely surrendering to god. which also had non-dualism, and dualistic approaches both?

Here yoga was more in the form of bhakti. surrender to divinity.

When we look at this, we see how yoga was scattered through the tantric understanding and principles we see clearly that one cannot go without each other. Tantra provides you the map of the science behind everything and through yoga, you design your vehicle to travel on this map to have self-realization.

To understand the nature of the absolute.

We need to understand that tantra is not something you can practice. it is something that we create and destroy to be able to grow our consciousness with help of yogic practices. It’s a device where voice is heard to the divine. and this body and the matter is part of the device, when we bring them together it becomes a medium to channelize our voice. exactly like in the cell phone.

The cell phone is tantra and the Number to dial is yoga. When you know the number and have the device in the right condition your call will go through. Yoga without tantra Is simply having a list of numbers but actually can’t reach anybody. Tantra without yoga is simply a technology that can’t be used. yet they are divergent and interlinked with each other.
Some common difference between them too
  • The major difference between tantra and yoga is that tantra incorporates ritual, deity work (especially goddesses), physical and energetic embodiment, initiation into esoteric teachings, and the role of guru, while yoga emphasized enlightenment through discipline, and most particularly the discipline of meditation.

  • Tantra is not a philosophy that requires a modern-day householder to renounce the world by giving up family, job, possessions, and pleasures. Instead, it emphasizes personal experimentation and experience as a way to move forward on the path to self-realization.

  • One core aspect of Tantric philosophy that’s taught in the West, however, remains consistent: That aspect is nondualism or the idea that one’s true essence (alternatively known as the transcendental Self, pure awareness, or the Divine) exists in every particle of the universe.

  • In the nondualist belief system of tantra, there is no separation between the material world and the spiritual realm. Although as humans we perceive duality all around us—good and bad, male and female, hot and cold—these are illusions created by the ego when, in fact, all opposites are contained in the same universal consciousness. For Tantrikas, that means that everything you do and all that you sense, ranging from pain to pleasure and anything in between, is really a manifestation of the Divine and can be a means to bring you closer to your own divinity. “In Tantra, the world is not something to escape from or overcome, but rather, even the mundane or seemingly negative events in day-to-day life are actually beautiful and auspicious.

  • In Yoga, the idea is that everything is pervaded by Prana (Lifeforce or consciousness or intelligence). There is Prana in the body and outside also. In the body, the highest manifestation of Prana is in the form of thought. So, controlling thoughts is the goal of yoga. This is done by first controlling the breath and then with that power, controlling the senses and with that power controlling the mind. By doing this, one can access the Prana beyond the mind and finally become one with Hiranyagarbha (The universal mind or soul or god).
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, karma yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, what is tantra yoga
  • In Tantra, the idea is awakening the Kundalini Shakti which is nothing but Prana. This Kundalini lies dormant in the Muladhara Chakra.

  • Yoga is a scientific method of slowly getting control over the mind. Tantra is mystical. It contains various rituals, construction of Yantras and repetition of mantras etc… 

  • All Yoga’s, be it Bhakti or Jnana or Yoga etc work by the awakening of the Kundalini alone… Only the method in which this is done is different.

  • What is the difference between Yoga and Tantra? Yoga accepts the Vedas while Tantra accepts the Agamas. People who follow the Yoga school use Vedic mantras to do Japa while people who follow Tantra use Tantric mantras to do Japa.

  • The primary direction of tantra does not to classify anything as right or wrong, accept all in awareness; adjust to the now, and live in the moment to express yourself in mindfulness. The primary direction of yoga is to still the mental fluctuations when you’re in your presence all the fluctuations go away from past and future.

  • Yoga relies upon movement, method, technique. Doing results in being in yoga also, but the system is one of a kind. In yoga one has to fight; it's miles the route of the warrior. at the direction of Tantra, one does now not must fight at all. as an alternative, on the contrary, one has to indulge but with recognition. Yoga is suppression with recognition; Tantra is indulgence with awareness. Tantra says that in any respect you are, the closing isn't always opposed to it. It's far a boom; you may come to be the final. there's no opposition among you and the fact. you're a part of it, so no war, no war, no competition to nature is wanted. you have to use nature.
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