tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas

Scriptures of tantra

The Hindu Tantras total 92 scriptures; of these:
  • 64 are purely Abheda (literally "without differentiation", or monistic). In Hindu philosophy according to the Doctrine of Non-difference (Abheda) there is no difference (bheda) whatsoever between the individual self (atman) and the supreme Self (Paramatman) or (Brahman)known as the Bhairava Tantras or Kashmir Saivite Tantras.
  • 18 are Bhedābheda (literally "with differentiation and without differentiation" monistic or dualistic), known as the Rudra Tantras).
  • 10 are completely Bheda (literally "differentiated" or dualistic), known as the Śiva Tantras. 
Tantra are mainly two types Agama and Nigama.
  • Agamas are those texts in which Goddess asked questions and the God replied. 
  • In Nigama texts God asked questions and Goddess replied. This dialogue between God and Goddess is special feature of Hinduism Tantra.
The word tantra is made up by the joining (sandhi in Sanskrit) of two Sanskrit words: tanoti (expansion) and rayati (liberation). Tantra means liberation of energy and expansion of consciousness from its gross form. It is a method to expand the mind and liberate the dormant potential energy, and its principles form the basis of all yogic practices. Hence, the Hindu Tantra scriptures refer to techniques for achieving a result.

Tantric scriptures are divided in three mains philosophises known as Shaktism, Shaivism and Vaishnavism.
Kularnava Tantra, Lakshmi Tantra, Mahanirvana Tantra etc are texts of the Tantra school. You can find out about Tantras from books written by the famous English scholar Sir John Woodroffe. Some of these books are 'Introduction to Tantra Sastra', 'Principles of Tantra', 'Sakti & Sakta', 'The Serpent of Power', 'The Garland of Letters'.

Non duality
  • Shakti and sakta 
  • Devi gita

  • Kulārṇava-tantra
  • Jñānārṇava

  • Mantra shastra
  • Kālīkula
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
Adi Shankaracharya, a strict celibate wrote the Soundarya Lahari (सौन्दर्यलहरी) which is a Tantric text. Are we to believe in the abracadabra peddled in the name of Tantra by those who lead hedonistic lives or are we to believe in the greatest Vedantin to date: Adi Shankaracharya?

Non duality
  • Kashmir shavism
  • Hathyogpradipika
  • Shiva Samhita
  • Shiv swaroodya 

  • Shaiva siddhanta

  • Shiva sutras
  • Lingayatism
  • Bhairav shastras
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
Key texts in Vaishnavism include the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Pancaratra (Agama) texts, Naalayira Divya Prabhandham and the Bhagavata Purana.

Non dualistic
  • Pancaratra Samhitas

  • Paushkara Samhita
  • Sattvata Samhita 

  • Jayakhya Samhita.
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
Tantra in Upanisahds
  • Shakta Upanishads
Shakta Upanishads are a group of minor Upanishads of Hinduism related to the Shaktism theology of a Goddess (Devi) as the Supreme Being.[1][2] There are 8 Shakta Upanishads in the Muktika anthology of 108 Upanishads.

  1. Sita Upanishad 45 Atharva Veda At least 10,000 Years Before
  2. Tripuratapini Upanishad 80 Atharva Veda At least 10,000 Years Before
  3. Devi Upanishad 81 Atharva Veda At least 10,000 Years Before
  4. Tripura Upanishad 82 Rigveda At least 10,000 Years Before
  5. Bhavana Upanishad 84 Atharva Veda At least 10,000 Years Before
  6. Saubhagyalakshmi Upanishad 105 Rigveda Unknown
  7. Sarasvati-rahasya Upanishad 106 Krishna Yajurveda At least 10,000 Years Before
  8. Bahvricha Upanishad 107 Rigveda At, least 10,000 Years Before
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
  • Shaivism
The Shaiva Upanishads are minor Upanishads of Hinduism, specific to Shiva theology (Shaivism). There are 14 Shaiva Upanishads in the Muktika anthology of 108 Upanishads
  1. Kaivalya Upanishad 12 Krishna Yajurveda also Atharva Veda 1st millennium BCE
  2. Atharvashiras Upanishad 22 Atharvaveda 5th century BCE
  3. Atharvashikha Upanishad 23 Atharvaveda 1st millennium BCE
  4. Brihajjabala Upanishad 26 Atharvaveda Late medieval, post-12th century
  5. Kalagni Rudra Upanishad 28 Krishna Yajurveda Unknown
  6. Dakshinamurti Upanishad 49 Krishna Yajurveda Unknown
  7. Sharabha Upanishad 50 Atharvaveda Unknown
  8. Akshamalika Upanishad 67 Rigveda Late medieval, post-12th century AD
  9. Rudrahridaya Upanishad 85 Krishna Yajurveda Unknown
  10. Bhasmajabala Upanishad 87 Atharvaveda Late medieval, post-12th century
  11. Rudrakshajabala Upanishad 88 Atharvaveda After 10th century
  12. Pancabrahma Upanishad 93 Krishna Yajurveda About 7th century AD
  13. Jabali Upanishad 104 Samaveda
  • Vaishnavism
The Vaishnava Upanishads are minor Upanishads of Hinduism, related to Vishnu theology (Vaishnavism). There are 14 Vaishnava Upanishads in the Muktika anthology of 108 Upanishads.

  1. Narayana Upanishad 18 Krishna Yajurveda
  2. Nrisimha Tapaniya Upanishad 27 Atharvaveda Before seventh century
  3. Mahanarayana Upanishad 52 Atharvaveda Second half of 1st millennium BC
  4. Rama Rahasya Upanishad 54 Atharvaveda 17th century
  5. Rama Tapaniya Upanishad 55 Atharvaveda 16th century
  6. Vasudeva Upanishad 56 Sama Veda Modern text
  7. Avyakta Upanishad 68 Sama Veda before seventh century
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
8.Tarasara Upanishad 91 Shukla Yajurveda After 14 centuries
9.Gopala Tapani Upanishad 95 Atharvaveda 7th century
10.Krishna Upanishad 96 Atharvaveda Late medieval period
11.Hayagriva Upanishad 100 Atharvaveda After 10th century
12.Dattatreya Upanishad 101 Atharvaveda 14th or 15th century
13.Garuda Upanishad 102 Atharvaveda
14.Kali Santarana Upanishad 103 Krishna Yajurveda Before 1500
Other texts on tantra
Hymns to the Goddess
by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1913]
A collection of Hindu devotional hymns to the Goddess.

Hymn to Kâlî: Karpûrâdi-Stotra
by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1922]
A Tantric hymn to the Hindu Goddess Kali.

Kundalini: The Mother of the Universe
by Rishi Singh Gherwal [1930]
Includes an English translation of the Lalita Sahasranama, the 'Thousand Names of the Goddess,' from the Brahmanda Purana.
tantra yoga, tantra yog, tantrics, tantra yoga meaning, tantric yog, scriptures about tantra, tantra teachings, shaktism, shaivism, vaishnavism, types of tantra yoga, tantric rituals, tantra scriptures, agamas, nigamas
Scriptures on tantra
name approx. time
Mahavidya Tantra 300
Brahma Yamala             350
Jayadratha Yamala 900
Kaulajnana Nirnaya 900
Kubjikamata 900
Malinivijayottara Tantra 900  
Netra Tantra 900
Tantrasadbhava 900 
Kalivilasa Tantra 950
Kumari Tantra 1000
Lakshmi Tantra 1000
Niruttara Tantra 1030
Nila Tantra 1050
Tantraloka 1100
Gupta-Sadhana Tantra 1100 Hindu
Kalika Purana 1150
Mahachinacara Tantra 1150
Tantraraja Tantra 1200
Manthanabhairava Tantra 1200
Yoginihridaya Tantra 1200
Parasurama-kalpa Sutra 1250
Kulacudamani Tantra 1300
Kularnava Tantra 1300
Rudrayamala Tantra 1300
Saradatilaka 1350
Kali Tantra 1350
Kamakhya Tantra 1350
Kamaratna Tantra 1350
Yogini Tantra 1350
Kaulavali Nirnaya Tantra 1600
Mahanirvana Tantra 1600
Yoni Tantra 1650
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