Healing Crystals.
How do they work?

The recorded use of crystals dates back over 5000 years. They are mentioned in Chinese texts and Vedic texts from India. Over 200 references to the crystals and their powers were found around the world.
But what the crystals actually are?
The answer comes out many ways. According to geologists, all crystals have an identical atomic structure and chemical composition. Eighty-five percent of the earth's content is crystals. As is mentioned, they are basically made up of water and sand and may contain basic six elements like aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Because of the combination of these elements, the crystals get different colors, shapes, sizes, and hardness.
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The main scientific characteristic of crystals is the multiplication of vibrations. It is because they are mainly made up of water. Physically, crystals are fossilized water. When it is minus 473 C., water solidifies. This basic characteristic of water calls Piezo power or quartz energy which ultimately is the inherent quality of crystals. According to scientific research, quartz energy can multiply vibrations by 10,000 times.

That’s why industrialists and technologists have accepted crystals as the main source of energy in modern technology. For example, a small crystal can be converted into a microchip, which ultimately becomes the heart of a computer.
How the crystals heal?
Lots of healers explain the work of the crystals as something which is beyond our understanding. Scientific research into the properties of crystals is still ongoing. But something can be easily understood by us.

Suppose, we can experience the energy at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Physicists Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla said that we are surrounded by a “sea of energy”, which they described as an invisible bondless and in perfect order. Physicists now define it as “zero-point energy”. It is the energy that exists prior to its materialization in the form. This energy is called Prana in the Hindu tradition and Chi in the Chinese tradition, it has been described in the eastern spiritual traditions as pure consciousness. We can also call it life force energy.
Here in my blogs, I will also refer to crystal healing as a movement of different energies and crystals as a tool to transform, direct, or channel this energy.

If we consider the human body as a form of the universe, we can see one more perspective. Many neutrons, protons, electrons, and even minute particles continuously shower towards the earth and living beings receive them through billions of pores of the body. On the other hand, through these pores, the negativity of the body comes out and gets immersed into the universe. Today, a man has become more materialistic and he does not want to accept nature in any form. He cannot bear heat or cold. And when he tries to ignore nature, he is deprived of the benefits of its energies. As a result of this, most of the pores of our body are partially inactivated. Neither the natural energy enters our body, nor the negativity does come out.
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Healers in the field of alternative medicines believe that crystals are the main source of transmission of energy.

Crystal healers do believe that crystals improve your physical and mental health, your emotional well-being, and your spiritual advancement. But crystals can do anything that your body is not able to do. We can say they do speed up things that would happen anyway.

An example is Carnelian which is very good for the common flu and cold but we can't say that it directly cures a cold, but it speeds up the symptoms. So, the person would feel that these symptoms are going worse for about the next 12 hours and then after this will be followed by relief. Your body by itself is quite capable of dealing with the cold by itself but this kind of stone such as Carnelian just speeds up all the process processes.
crystal healing, how crystals work, benefits of crystal healing, crystals for home, crystals for good luck, how to choose crystals, how to use crystals, purpose of crystals, purpose of crystal healing
In the same way, they help us to heal emotionally. So they provide us emotional release and spiritual development or awakening. Crystals also help us to stay open to new possibilities and sometimes only this allows us to see how the magic can happen in our life. Maybe one day the scientists will find a way how to measure the effect of the crystals. But nowadays, there is not enough research on the healing properties of crystals.

Today, through the medium of crystals, we would accept the energies of nature and would experience health and happiness. Along with negativity, pain, sorrow, bad company or habit and polluted atmosphere can be overcome by the use of crystals.

Apart from improving our physical body and also energizing it, we can attain spirituality and materialistic achievements with the help of crystals.
At first sight, crystals look like beautiful stones for making jewelry. But we can make them significant healing media for getting real experiences. With the help of natural healing techniques; life can be made peaceful, happy, and prosperous.

It is a well-known universal principle that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. Energy can be transformed into various forms and with the help of the crystals this transformation can come under our control for the betterment of all living beings.
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