crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love

Crystals for home

No need to mention, how important the home atmosphere is. It can heal us, it can make us sick. Crystals can bring changes in any environment, especially if you will use them at home. Prosperity, cleansing from negativity, improvement of sleep, protection, and many more. Today we will figure out, what Crystals you can use for different purposes to achieve the necessary effect.

Let us now see how the various directions are affected by various elements and how we should design our housekeeping these in mind. Complete information regarding this is given in the attached table below, wherein I have suggested various colored crystals as the perfect cure to the defects in design.
What is this information based on?
I highly value the trust of my readers and share my knowledge based on my education and practical experience. Today, we have knowledge about such ancient Practices as Vastu, Astrology, Reiki, Yoga, etc, we are naturally attracted towards the ancient systems. In this blog I will give advice using knowledge about these practices, so you will be able to use this information in a practical way to create a beautiful atmosphere at home.
crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love


From the ancient age, the pyramid has been given much importance. It is said that in Egypt they used to construct Pyramid hospitals. If we observe closely, most of the yantras (sacred geometry symbols) shown in Hindu books, have triangles in them. These are the forms of Pyramids only. Because the Pyramid form has an ability to attract energy from universe and this makes them so powerful.

Crystals have the power to multiply the energies or vibrations and if we give them the shape of Pyramid or Shree Yantra, we can get fantastic results. The positive vibrations are multiplied not a thousand folds but sometimes even more than that which ultimately purifies and energizes the atmosphere of the house. This would save us from unnecessary expenditure and the uncomfortable changes in these places. Such experiments have been made at various places and valuable results were achieved.
Apart from the crystals mentioned in the table below, Shree yantra in pyramid shape has been considered to be the most powerful tool to nullify any kind of negativity due to faulty design or any other reason. If crystal Shree yantra is installed in the northeast direction, it is considered to be a complete solution to the problems of life including financial, social or family problems apart from Vastu defects.

Shree Yantra has nine layers in all, which indicate nine chakras of our body (9 chakra system has 2 chakras located above the crown of the head). Shree Yantra has in all 43 triangles and 24 petals of two lotuses.
crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love
Now, let us understand how important is Shree Yantra to our life. As we all know that Sree Yantra is installed to achieve all the important intentions of life. For this, one has to be perfectly balanced, mentally. When we take any decision in our life, it passes through 9 parts of our brain which control 43 different habits of our life. Same way, the Shree Yantra has 9 main triangles, which are further bisected into 43 triangles, which are reminiscent of our own brain. As already discussed, the nine layers of Shree Yantra show the picture of our own bodies. This way, the Shree Yantra is directly connected with our life.

As per sacred books, the Shree Yantras made from Gold and Crystal are the best to achieve desired results.

Gem tree

A crystal gem tree is a small tree made of many semi-precious stones and crystals. This is the Feng shui cure for wealth. It should be placed in the southeast corner of the house to improve the wealth luck. You can also place it in the northwest of the house to improve the career of the breadwinner of the house.

Gemstone trees remove the negative energy from home or office, enhance luck, power, bring prosperity and generate positive energy at home. They bring peace, prosperity, and happiness into one's life.

Gem tree is a beautiful form, which can decorate the home and also give changes to the atmosphere.

crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love


Crystal towers have different sizes, may be large (towers) or short (points) and are usually used to enhance reasons. Because of their shape, towers concentrate the energy you can direct from the crystal. They are great for manifestation and the canalization of energy. They attract positive affirmations from the universe towards your life.
crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love

Ideal designs of house

Stones for special purposes.

For cleansing negative energy use clear quartz (it is also called white quartz) - this crystal is always good, you can't be wrong choosing it.
Cerussite - cleans from insects, mice, and rats. You can make an elixir and wash affected areas.
Opal - for those who have a home office. It creates a working environment, that can be placed in the home office, study area, or on your desk at work.
A large piece of chrysocolla, when placed at home can help to revitalize lackluster relationships.
Onyx – for a happy home, can be used to overcome grief, grounding effect, restores yin/yang balance.
Zeolite – improves the environment, removes unpleasant odors.
Sulfer, crocoite, and melanite – helpful for those who are in the process of divorce.
Evil eye – Protects hose from evil effects by keeping it at the entrance/inside the house.
Schalenblende – for better communication, helpful for dealing with children.
Sphene – encourages the healthy development of plants. Small pieces of this stone can be placed even in the plant pot.
Quartz will help you to soften the water in hard-water areas. Place Crystals inside the water tank, or attach them to pipes. Quartz also reduces fuel consumption, attach it to the carburetor or fuel line in your car.
crystals for home, crystals for atmosphere, crystals for environment, crystals to remove negativity, crystals pyramids, crystal spheres, gem tree, crystal towers, crystals for better environment, crystals for love