Crystal session

Manifest your wishes
Protection, love, business, marriage, spirituality, etc...
What is Crystal session?
In 60 minutes consultation you can get
Find the right Crystals for you
Stones on different purposes, how to place them, and how to make them work. I will choose for you personal meditation practice with Crystals.
Crystals to manifest your intention
  • Reach whatever you want in your professional life, love life, or any other important area
  • Get rid of chronic diseases
Create your own Crystal Altar
Make the Crystals work for you on a daily basis. How and where to place them according to your needs, I will explain to you during the session.
Create Set for any purpose
Which Crystals to buy and what crystals work together? We will choose effective sets for your purpose during our session.
Right shapes of Crystals
Which Crystal is better to wear and which is better to put on the shelf? We will figure it out for your personal situation.
Life adjustment
Improve your Lovelife, business, level of spirituality, family, and friends relationships, remove wrong patterns of behavior, get rid of bad habits. get emotional and energetic alignment.
My values
With respect to my clients
Let's respect each others time
One's the time is confirmed, it can be rescheduled not later than 3 hours before the session.
I don't participate in creating bad or harmful intentions.
We use Crystals to bring love, prosperity, abundance without harming any living bring.
Your Crystal Healer
Crystal Healer
My Crystal journey started spontaneously when I found a Teacher who introduced me to this type of healing. Since that time Crystals became a part of my daily life. And here I will share with you my knowledge, how Crystals can be your friends
How to book a session?
To book a session please go through the payment process, before payment you can fill in the information, what is your concern and when you will be able to have a Crystal session.
Crystal session
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crystal consultation online, how to create a crystal grind, crystal healing session online, crystal healing online, crystals for home, crystals for good luck, how to choose crystals
crystal consultation online, how to create a crystal grind, crystal healing session online, crystal healing online, crystals for home, crystals for good luck, how to choose crystals
crystal consultation online, how to create a crystal grind, crystal healing session online, crystal healing online, crystals for home, crystals for good luck, how to choose crystals
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Please mention a date, time and your time zone which is comfortable for you to make a session.