Moonstone Bracelet

Astrology: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Chakra: Sacral

Healing qualities:
• Intuition
• Insights
• Creativity
• Good luck
• Happy home

• Good for skin and hair
• Fertility
• Pituitary gland
• Helps woman in terms of pregnancy, childbirth, female hormones, and sexuality
• Regulates menstrual cycle
• Eases menopausal symptoms
• Eases PMS
• Helps for constipation
• Releases water retention, swelling
• Helps with allergies and insect bites

• Soothing emotions
• Releases energy blocks
• Brings calm, control, balance, confidence, and peace of mind
• Helps oversensitivity, pessimism
• Combats cycles/repeated patterns
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